Monday, 3rd July, 2023

This morning, we had a rehearsal pack. As I expected, we found that we could not fit all the books and souvenirs we had purchased into our cases so it was off to the Post Office once again. At least it was only four parcels this time, two of books and two of souvenirs. The process at the Post Office was quite exhausting. First, line up to be told that we had to pack our "stuff" (which I thought was obvious). It transpired that the Post Office could not offer any help with packing or packages. We had to go to a kiosk nearby run by a particularly unhelpful woman who appeared to wish that she was anyone other than there at that particular moment. After a fair bit of effort on OUR part, we managed to purchase the required bags and boxes. Then we had to go back to the "Post Office" across the hallway. A kind lady in the line told Satoshi that they wouldn't accept the boxes unless they had been taped up and offered her own tape to help Satoshi. She had obviously experienced the "help" from the "Post Office" before! Finally, the four parcels were sent on their way. Whether or not we ever see them again remains to be seen!

Next was a return visit to St Michael's Church, Cornhill, for an organ recital. The recital was part of their Monday lunchtime series which is thought to be the longest organ recital series in the world. Harold Darke started it in 1916! "Between 1916 and 1966 when he retired, Darke gave 1,833 Monday lunchtime recitals at St Michael’s. These recitals were considered to be of national importance: in the 1920s, a dedicated landline was laid under the streets of London, to enable the BBC to broadcast the weekly recital live to the nation; and, according to the Rector, Darke received piles of appreciative letters not only from all parts of the United Kingdom, but from the Continent’. Darke's playing-style and repertory were therefore widely-known and influential."

 The organist was Eleni Keventsidou. Originally from Athens, she studied at the Royal Academy of Music and now teaches piano and organ at Rugby School. The program was:
    Muffat: Toccata Quinta
    Tzortzakis: Adagio in d minor
    Alain: Two Dances à Agni Yavishta
    Reger: Rhapsodie, Scherzo, Toccata
    McVicker: Six Variations on Victor Youmans's tune "Tea for Two"

I was not familiar with any of the music. Ms Keventsidou is an accomplished organist and her recital was excellent. I enjoyed the variations, in particular. You can hear her performing the work (on a different organ) here. The piece starts at the 45 second mark.

After the organ recital, we travelled to "Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium" for afternoon tea. There were 16 cats with whom we could interact while enjoying our food. It was a peaceful and relaxing experience.

There were lots of cat toys!

There was a gallery with photos of all the cats for which the emporium has found "forever" homes.

We then made our way to Westminster Abbey for the last Evensong of our trip. Although we arrived half an hour before the service began, the line was already very long (as in perhaps 200 people). Unfortunately, this meant we were again seated in a position where we could not see the choir (or hear properly really). Today, it was just the boys of the choir. The introit was "The Call" by Vaughan Williams, the Responses were sung to plainsong, the canticles were "The Westminster Service" by Matthew Martin, and the anthem was Mendelssohn's "If with all your hearts" from Elijah. We were sad to make our way out of the Abbey, knowing that it will be our last visit for quite some time.

My last photo of Westminster Abbey (for this trip).

The most recent in the "stream" of visitors at our accommodation.

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