Wednesday, 21st June, 2023

This is the first time we have had views of a cathedral from the window of our accommodation (Carlise Cathedral)

Today's buffet breakfast at the Crown & Mitre

It took almost four hours (including several stops) to get to our first destination today. Monk Bretton Priory was founded in 1154 and was closed on 30th November, 1538 during the dissolution. I guess 384 years is a pretty good innings! We had a pleasant wander around the peaceful ruins.

The Gatehouse

These two faces have been checking out the visitors to the abbey for at least 800 years. No wonder they look a little tired!

Inside the Gatehouse

The building in the best state of preservation is the Administration Building. The upper floor was rebuilt in the 17th century.

Another view of the Gatehouse

Very little remains of the Church. Here is the view from the west end.

The view from the east end

These steps went from the church to the monks' dormitory.

The Cloister

The Chapter House

From Monks Bretton Priory, it was a forty-minute drive to Sheffield Cathedral. The oldest parts of this church date from the 1200s but there were major alterations and extension in 1430, the late 18th century, 1880, the 1960s and 2013-2014. The result is a bit of a hotch-potch but it works quite well as a whole. As was the case yesterday, preparations were taking place for a concert in the cathedral so things had been moved around and some views were interrupted. In particular, there were hundreds of fake candles all over the place!

Looking from the west

A lectern

What a good use for old swords!

The entrance to the Chapel of the Holy Spirit has carvings of the seven churches which appear in the book of Revelation (beginning Chapter 1:11). Angels delivered messages to each of these churches. Find out more in Revelation!



Philadelphia (no, not THAT Philadelphia!)





The Sheffield Steel Nativity
by Brian Fell

Thomas Nevil, John Talbot and John Bright

The Bishop's Throne

Detail of the Bishop's Throne: Christ at the top, Sts Peter and Paul below

The ceiling of the old St George Chapel

The ceiling of the Quire

Angels are clever beings, this one can fly, play a musical instrument and help to hold up the roof!

Acts 3: 6 & 7: Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.
And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.

1 Kings 17:22 "And the Lord heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived."

The organ is an electronic instrument (not a pipe organ).

St Michael

St George

The Pulpit dates from Victorian times and is carved in oak.


Moses, Solomon (in all his glory) and Joshua

More musical angels

Looking up at the tower.

Sheffield Cathedral was in the news in 2020 for sacking the choir. It seems that they have one now but we did not have the opportunity to hear it. As for the "sacked" singers, you can read about them here.

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