Wednesday, 14th June, 2023

The incredible run of hot weather continued today, despite the weather forecast threatening thunderstorms (as it has for the last four days). We headed towards Duart Castle. As usual, there were other things to see on the way.

This little bridge, near Pennyghael, used to be on the main road but it has now been retired in favour of a rather ugly newer one nearby.

During my research of the area I found mention of St Kilda's Scottish Episcopal Church at Lochbuie. This was 8 miles out of our way. Satoshi had heard that otters had been seen near the coast so he agreed that we should take the detour. The road became very narrow, almost immediately, when we turned off the main road but Satoshi was keen to continue. It took about 40 minutes to get there. To our surprise, when we arrived, we found not only a lovely country church to explore but also the Old Post Office of Lochbuie CafĂ©. and a serene section of coast to enjoy  Of course the church came before lunch!

St Kilda Scottish Episcopal Church

A very impressive lectern for a little country church, even though it is made of wood and not brass!

St Columba

St Oran

The windows at the east end depict the Nativity; and the Baptism of Jesus by his cousin, John.

The beach at Lochbuie

We couldn't believe our luck in finding such a good lunch!

Along part of the road to Lochbuie, there was an incredible number of rhododendron bushes growing wild. As we were driving back, I attempted to film some of them from the car.

Some more scenes along the road to Lochbuie

At last, we arrived at Duart Castle. By this time it was 2:00pm. Like so many others, this castle was a ruin for hundreds of years, in this case from 1691. It passed through several hands before, in 1911, it was restored. More work was undertaken in the 1960s, then again in 2012. Part of the castle is still a private home.

Views from the base of the castle

The Kitchen was in use from 1911 until the mid 1960s

A prisoner in the dungeon

The Pantry

The Sea Room

The Banqueting Hall

A "box" or "cottage" style piano built by John Broadwood & Sons in London in 1817

Decorations presented to
The Rt. Hon. Lord Maclean KT. GCVO. KBE Lord Chamberlain of the Queen's Household
on the ocasion of State Visits to Her Majesty the Queen

This owl was found part way up the spiral staircase.

Detail of the wardrobe above. My mind wandered off to Narnia!

Lismore Lighthouse from the castle battlements

Another view from the castle battlements

And another!

After an ice cream and a drink, we made our way to Tobermory where we are staying for the next two nights. After settling in, we went down to the town for dinner, deciding upon take away fish and chips. We have found that UK fish and chips just don't measure up to the Australian version and our thoughts about this were not changed by this evening's experience.

When we returned to our hotel, we sorted out the contents of about 10 shopping bags of souvenirs and guidebooks we have accumulated thus far. We discovered that all the books and papers weigh 16kg. I hate to think how much that will cost to send home!!

It is very hot, still and "sticky" again tonight. The lady at the hotel reception informed us that, "We Scots are dying!" Of course, most places in UK, including this hotel, do not have air-conditioning. No fans for us tonight either. Time for a quick shower to cool down and into bed!

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