Thursday, 8th June, 2023

We cooked our own breakfast in our accommodation this morning - bacon and eggs of course! This procedure took some time and, once again, it was quite late in the morning when we left for the day's adventure. This took the form of a round trip of the Portree Peninsula area of Skye. As for yesterday, there were constant spectacular views to be taken in.

Our first stop was the The Skye Museum of Island Life in Kilmuir, which is dedicated to preserving a township of thatched cottages as they would have been on Skye at the end of the 18th century. There are seven cottages to explore.

We were greeted by a friendly local!

The Old Croft House

This house was originally the home of John and Annie Graham and their 10 children (Murdo, John, Alick, Donald, Katie, Flora, Chirsty, Jean, Peggy and Marion). It was last occupied by John Graham, the son of John and Annie Graham, in 1957. The house dates back to the mid-nineteenth century and was opened as a museum in 1965.

The Old Barn

This building housed exhibits relating to the collection and preparation of peat.

The Weaver's House

This loom was last used in 1968 (and it looked like it!)

The Old Smithy was divided int two sections. The left hand door led to a shop:

I can remember "Oxo" cubes. They were used to make beef stock for soups or casseroles.

There was yet more wonderful scenery as we continued our journey.

The beginnng of the short pathway to Duntulm Castle

A little over halfway through this video, you can see this pathway and the ca

There is not much left of Duntulm Castle but the ruins are picturesque.

Views from the Castle

It was lunchtime when we left the castle. We found a café at Columba 1400 in the town of Staffin.

Our next stop was the Quiraing.

The track seen going off to the left at the beginning of the video goes toward the "Needle",  a jagged 37 metre high landmark pinnacle, a remnant of landslipping. Satoshi wanted to do the 70 minute return hike, which he did. I volunteered to stay in the car to make sure it wasn't st

This photo and the next two were taken by Satoshi during his hike.

The Needle

Our next stop was Lealt Falls


The ruins above are what is left of a Diatomite Works which was once a busy workplace. Local people worked here cleaning and drying diatomite, a chalky white clay found in Loch Cuithir about 4 miles inland. Steam-powered puffer boats moored here and were loaded with sacks of the powdered diatomite ready for sale. Business boomed until the 1950s when Staffin diatomite became too expensive to produce.

A little further down the coast there were yet more views to be enjoyed!

The rings in the water are salmon farms

This is "The Old Man of Storr". One again, Satoshi wanted to hike to this formation. The round trip took him 108 minutes and the track was very steep. The photos below show what he found.

We didn't make it back to our accommodation until well after 9:00pm which made dinner quite late. By the time I got this far in journal writing it was almost 1:00am.Time for bed!