Wednesday, 7th June, 2023

This morning, breakfast was provided by Carol, the host of our accommodation. It was cooked beautifully and was very tasty.

This is the same view from our window as last night at 10:55pm (but at 10:05am)

Just before we left, I heard my first cuckoo!

We left Drumbouie and headed toward Dunvegan Castle (supposedly our first stop for the day). There is a bridge which took us on to the Isle of Skye. Of course i had known about this island since childhood because of the "Skye Boat Song". Almost immediately, we thought we had been transported to the south island of New Zealand! The scenery is equally spectacular!

We stopped at Sligachan because we saw a lot of people looking at this old bridge. It was built between 1810 and 1818 by engineer Thomas Telford. Nearby, there is a statue called "Heroes of the Hills". Professor Norman Collie and John Mackenzie are credited with creating many of the routes across the Cuillins, an iconic mountain range in the area.

As we were driving, we saw some ruins. There was a sign to Struan Pier and the road seemed to head in that direction so we ventured down. We couldn't explore the ruins of the two buildings much because of stinging nettles and brambles.

Investigations on the internet revealed that the 19th century buildings had once been an inn. I couldn't find any information as to why it was abandoned or when.

Only sheep inhabit the area now

Satoshi had found out about the Oyster Shed, an establishment where one can purchhase very fresh oysters so it was the next stop. He enjoyed the two oysters he purchased!

As we progressed along the road near Caroy, there was a sign to "St John's Episcopal Chapel" so that was another side trip. We found that this was another ruin. It was built in 1838 and only used to 1855. The altar appears to have been moved to St Columba's Episcopal Church in Portree in the late 1930's and the roofing slates were sold and removed in 1940. It was such a peaceful, tranquil place.

This wall and gateway was rebuilt in 1959 as a memorial to two families.

The graveyard had a mixture of old and new graves, the newest we found was 2016.

I found this grave quite poignant. It is that of a child named Charles who died at the age of 18 months. What a sad little angel adorns the grave.

The east end of the chapel

Inside the chapel, looking east

Inside the chapel looking west.

We finally arrived at Dunvegan Castle about 2:00pm, just in time for lunch!

Satoshi "snapped" this common chaffinch through the window during our lunch.

The approach to the castle took us past some lovely flowers.

Dunvegan Castle was begun about 1300 and added to and remodelled over the years. It has been occupied by the same family (the Macleods) for 800 years.

I was quite taken by this painting by Guido Schmitt in 1877 of Emily, the wife of Norman Magnus, 26th Chief of MacLeod

All but one of the clocks I saw in the castle were working.

The Dining Room

This huge oak sideboard  dates to 1603.

Detail of the above

The Library

This table in the Drawing Room is cleverly made so that different games can be played by changing the leaves,

The inscription on this painting reads:
"NORMAN, son of NORMAN, 23rd Chief. Born 1781, blown up
H. M.S. "Queen Charlotte" 1800

Whilst I felt sorry for Norman who was "blown up", I was also amused at the directness of the wording!

A Great Painting of a Lion!

"Affectionately known as "The Sundial", as it previously stood alone near the wall of the Gun Court, this stone is believed to be a representation of Margaret, wife of Ruaridh Mor, 15th Chief. It is thought to be a pillar of a fireplace from the part of the castle that now contains the Dining Room."

The servants had to carry heavy loads up and down these uneven stairs.

The Gun Court

The View from the Gun Court

In the Water Garden

Part of the Woodlands Garden (Satoshi is there to show how tall the trees are)

The Round Garden

This Monkey Puzzle Tree was enormous!

The Walled Garden

The Castle viewed from the North

On leaving the Castle, we drove to Portree (the largest town on Skye and its capital) to get some groceries before travelling to Uig where our accommodation is for two nights

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