Monday, 5th June, 2023

The first stop for today was Fortrose Cathedral. The cathedral was probably finished by 1300 as a fairly simple structure some 185ft long and 25ft wide. The 1400s saw additions made in the form of a south aisle and chapel, plus a tower. Cathedrals lost their status after the Reformation in 1560 and services ceased at Fortrose. The fate of much of the building was sealed fairly quickly, when the lead from the roof was granted to Lord Ruthven in 1572. In the 1650s, the stone from the now roofless and decaying nave and choir was removed to help construct Cromwell's citadel at Inverness.

The only remaining part of the cathedral is the south aisle. It is thought that this survived because the ancestors of some important families are buried there.

The other section remaining standing is this building which was originally the sacristry at ground level with the Chapter House above. It was used as a meeting place for the Borough Council as late as 1939.

Looking east there is almist nothing to see!

One can only see inside the south aisle through the railings of a fence so photography had some challenges.

A little of the original stone vaulting survives.

The clock tower was added after the Reformation.

At the conclusion of our visit to the Cathedral, Satoshi needed a toilet stop so we headed off towards the "High Street". One way, we found this building which is actually the catholic church of St Peter and St Boniface. We found that it was open so in we went! Satoshi was "relieved" when we found tha there was a toilet inside the building!

Then it was back inthe car to head to Chanonry Point. We were surpised by the number of people there. We discovered a lighthouse (built in 1846) and automated sing 1984.

The point of Chanonry Point

There is a long, sandy stretch of beach,

some flowers,

and tis memorial of The Brahan Seer (which took us a while to find because we were looking for something more impressive!)

We had an unscheduled stop at St Andew's Episcopal Church in Fortrose. For a small building, it had a lot to see and admire.It was opened in 1827.

Looking towards the east end

The baptistry is located at the west end.

Jesus is baptised by John the Baptist

There was something fishy about this window.

Jesus with the samaritan woman at the well. "Whosever drinketh the water that I shall give him shall never thirst."

This fragment of a window depicts Sts Peter and Boniface (the patrons of the nearby cathedral). It is thought that it is possibly a survivor from that building.

The Pulpit

A detail of the Pulpit

St Andrew

This embroidery adorns the lectern. It depict the four evangists:

St Mark (winged lion)

St John (eagle)

St Matthew (an angel)

St Luke (an ox)

The view from the quire looking west

Our next visit was to Dunrobin Castle. Although its origins lie in the Middle Ages, most of the present building and the gardens were constructed between 1835 and 1850. After a period of time as a boarding school, it was opened to the public. Apparently, it has 189 rooms. We saw 18!

As with many stately homes, there were many "trophies" collected from hunting trips.

The Billiard Room - note the amazing ceiling!

A closer view of the ceiling

A tapestry

A closer view shows the extraordinary work involved in creating such a piece of art.

A detial of the fireplace above (a Scottish Wild Cat)

Above the fireplace above

The ceiling of the dining room

A detail of the ceiling above

The Breakfast Room

Someone spends a lot of time making these floral arangements for the rooms

Again, a close up shows the detail of a magnificent piece of art

One had several opportunities to admire the formal gardens from the castle windows.

Each of the chairs in the Drawing Room had a different tapestry.

There were just a few books in the library!

A close up of the clock above.

A close up of the close up. Only those with very keen observation skills will have noticed that the clock was made in "Chatham"!

The Aptly-Named Green and Gold Room

The Day Nursery

This is one part of a collection of a Minto dinner service. Each piece has a different depiction of kittens at play.

The Night Nursery

The Seamstress's Room displayed robes worn at various Royal occasions.

I admired this portrait of Queen Victoria, painted by F Winterhalter.

One of the uniforms in the Military room - this one was worn by worn by the 5th Duke of Sutherland as Hon.
Colonel of the 5th Battalion, The Seaforth Highlanders.

The uniform of The Household Cavalry worn by Lord Alistair
Leverson - Gower, father of the present Countess of Sutherland.

The Servants' Bells - that's a lot of rooms to which one could be summoned!

The fire engine was on display in one of the seating areas of the café. We felt secure in the knowledge that we would be safe in the case of someone burning the scones!

The gardens were lovely! The sea is in the background.

On the way back to Inverness, we had the possibility of travelling some of the way by ferry. We were not sure if it was running or not. Even though it was a bit out of our way, we gave it a try. When we arrived at Nigg pier, it didn't look promising but there was a phone number to ring so I called. "We are only 5 minutes away" was the answer.

Here it comes!

On our way!

An oil rig

The luxury liner "Seabourn Ovation" was being guided by this pilot boat.

While on the ferry, the movement of the ship made the car alarm go off several times! Satoshi backed it off the ferry very skilfully.

The ferry at Cromarty

Although the use of the ferry didn't actually save us any time (in fact, it probably added a few minutes), it was a different experience and a lot of fun! After a quick dinner at McDonald's we returned to our accommodation.

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