Thursday, 11th May, 2023

Today was another big day! Our first visit was to Denny Abbey and Farmland Museum. On arrival, we went to the café as we had not eaten. We both had a cheese and ham panini. They were very tasty as was the very fresh salad that was served with it.

We then explored the Farmland Museum. This was started by a four-year-old boy who, in 1969, found a few ceramic fragments in his garden. He invited friends to visit his "museum" and his collection grew. Freinds and neighbours gave him objects to add to his museum and it soon outgrew his bedroom and was moved to a shed. And still it grew. Now it is housed in several buildings!

The orginal collection

The story of the beginning of the museum

This building began life as the refectory of the nunnery. It was used for hundreds of years as a barn.

The original floor is still there

This is what remains of the abbey church. After the dissolution of the monasteries, it was turned into a house with many alterations made over the years. Note the blocked archway and the pillar incorporated into the house.

Detail of above

Detail of above

A hidden pillar within the structure of the house

A few decorations remain

English Heritage chose to partly dismantle the building to show how it has changed over the centuries.

The original doorway into the church on the left, and the doorway into the house on the right

It was a fascinating place to visit.

Although not in our itnerary, Satoshi wanted to go to Ely Cathedral. As it was only a 20 minute drive, we went there. As we took so many pictures there, I have decided to create a separate page for Ely Cathedral. Please click on the "forward" button below to access it.

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