Tuesday, 9th May, 2023

As we didn’t have any pressing engagements today, we started a little more leisurely than usual. We didn’t leave our accommodation until about 10:00am. We thought we should report the theft of the camera to the police so we headed for the Cambridge Police Station. There was nowhere to park so we kept going towards Saffron Weldon where we planned to “do” Audley End House. The Saffron Walden Police Station was open and we chatted with a friendly and cheerful member of the force who advised us to report on line to the Met Police as the theft occurred on that jurisdiction.

Audley End House was only 4 minutes away from there. After a good lunch, we explored the house. Once again the word “wow” passed our lips several times during the visit . Sadly, photography was not permitted in the house (except for the servants' wing) so I can't share any photos. There is, however, a YouTube video that will give you a pretty good idea.

The Kitchen

A Larder

The Wet Laundry

The Dry Laundry

The Dairy

Some topiary

The view from the house

Part of the Parterre Garden

All of the Parterre Garden

From Audely End House, we headed back to our accommodation in Teversham. The parish church in Teversham is All Saints'. We tried to have a look at it yesterday but it was locked. There was a notice indicating tht the kew could be obtained from a local business across the road. As yesterday was a public holiday, we couldn't do that. We tried again today and met with success!

The key was ancient and large (definitley NOT similar to the holder!)

Once upon a time, the choir was quite large. I don't know how they all fitted into the small choir stalls!

The Lectern

This Bible has been there since 1864.

A lovely kneeler

According to someone who attended a service recently, the orgain is still used and played well.

Some carving on a stall

Once again, there were angels to help hold up the roof.

As is often the case, there were only a few fragments of the original stained glass.

After a brief pause at our accommodation, we headed to King's College for Evensong at 5:30pm. The introit was "We Wait for Thy Loving Kindness" by William McKie. (He was an Australian who was the organist at Westminster Abbey for the late Queen Elizabeth's Coronation.) The rest of the music included the Responses by Martin, Psalm 49 sung to a familiar chant by Walmisley, the canticles by Wood in E Flat No.2, and the anthem "Behold, O God our Defender" by Herbert Howells. Once again the choir was superb.

King's College

We didn't stay to hear the organ voluntary at it was 6:15pm and we wanted to get to Jesus College Chapel for Evensong at 6:30pm. It was raining so we called an Uber. We arrived just after the choir and we were ushered into stalls usually reserved for the fellows of the College. Sometimes it pays to be a little late! The Choir of Jesus College was joined by the Choir of The Leys School, making a total of 45 singers. The music included the responses by Byrd, the canticles by Brewer in D and the anthem "Let All the World" by Ralph Vaughan Williams. With so many singers in a small chapel, there was plenty of volume! All the music was performed creditably and we were glad we had made the effort to attend.

After dinner at a local pub, we returned to Teversham

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