Sunday, 7th May, 2023

Today we got up early in order to drive to Cambridge. We left London about 8:30am. Fortunately, the streets were very quiet.

Chelsea Guest House (actually in Clapham)

Our route took us over Tower Bridge.

Canola is a common sight as we drive along country roads.

We stopped for breakfast at a "Services" on the motorway before our first major stop which was Saffron Weldon. You may be familiar with that name as it is the name of a hymn tune usually sung to the words "Just as I am, without one plea". We attended the Service at 10:30am at St Mary's Church. It was lovely to hear the bells as we approached the church. The music included the anthem "I Was Glad" by Parry which was included in the coronation Service yesterday. Also sung were parts of the "Festive Eucharist" by Noel Rawsthorne and "I Give to you a New Commandment" by Nardone. The large choir of children and adults did a creditable job. You can watch the whole service here (I'm not sure how long the link will last).

Although this is a wooden lectern, it was still a wonderful work of art. Sadly, it seems that the church is not using it during services.

The Annunciation

Jesus at the well with the Samaritan woman.

From Saffron Walden we drove to Cambridge. We settled in to our accommodation (a really lovely two-storey house in Teversham, just out of Cambrdge). We were planning to attend Evensong at King's College at 3:30pm so drove off towards the city. As it turned out to be a lovely sunny day, there were people everywhere. The carpark we had researched was full so we had to find another one. This was far away from King's so we called an Uber. It got us there just as people were being admitted. The music included the Responses by Ayleward, the canticles from William Byrd's "Great Service" and "The King Shall Rejoice" which is one of Handel's Coronation Anthems. At the end of the Service, "God Save the King" as arranged by Gordon Jacob was sung. The introduction to this version is often played on actual trumpets. At this event it was all done on the organ but using, I think, a "tuba" stop which was very loud and spine tingling! As expected at King's the music was of an exceptionally high standard.

After the service, we met out friends James and Caroline. We went to their favourite ice cream shop and found a long line of people waiting. We eventually got to the front of the queue and, yes, the icecream was delicious. We then went to hear Evensong at Gonville and Caius College (where both James and Caroline were students, James as the Organ Scholar). The music here was the Responses by Radcliffe, the "Collegium Regale" canticles by Herbert Howells and the anthem "Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace" by SS Wesley. The "Te Deum" by Ralph Vaughan Williams was also sung as well as the hymn known as "Jerusalem" which begins "And Did Those Feet in Ancient Times". Again the music was of a high standard.

Following Evensong, we went to "The Eagle" to share dinner with James and Caroline.

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