Thursday, 4th May, 2023

Today, we awoke to another lovely sunny day. Just for something different, today we had breakfast at.....
The Breakfast Club which is within the Westgate Shopping Centre in Oxford. Satoshi wanted to do a walking tour of Oxford. We arrived at the meeting point with one minute to spare. The tour was quite interesting and we were taken inside Trinity College to see the chapel. We also saw inside the Divinity School. This is the oldest purpose-built building for university use in the University having been constructed between 1427 and 1483.

Breakfast at "The Breakfast Club"

Views of the Oxford skyline from the Westgate Roof Terrace

The grounds of Trinity College

The Sanctuary of Trinity College Chapel

Looking to the organ from the Sanctuary

The ceiling of the Chapel

The Organ

The Divinity School

The interior of the Divinity School in which students in medieval times took their exams. These were in the form of an interview which could last as long as three days!

The Radliffe Camera is one of the most iconic buildings in Oxford.

The Bodleian Library

Two gargoyles of the Bodleian Library

The Bridge of Sighs (modelled after the one in Venice)

Detail of the above

The University Church of St Mary the Virgin is the centre from which the University of Oxford grew and its parish consists almost exclusively of university and college buildings.

There was a piano recital happening when we visited so movement around the building was a little restricted.

This is a section of the window above which depicts St Luke with his symbol of an ox (representing sacrifice, service and strength)

St John with his symbol, an eagle

St Mark, with his symbol - a lion

St Matthew, with his symbol - an angel

The Quire and the Sanctuary

The Sanctuary

The entry to All Souls' College (There are 39 colleges in the University)

Looking through the gates of All Souls' College

This poster was in a public toilet!

After the tour, we started our two-hour drive to London. This was quite slow and tedious towards the end but we arrived safely at our accommodation "Chelsea Guest House" which is located in Clapham. After settling in, we caught a bus and a train into London because we had tickets for "Les Miserables". We were surprised to see that Jean Valjean was played by Josh Piterman. He is Australian and we saw him as the Phantom in "The Phantom of the Opera" both in Sydney and Melbourne. This production was excellent. It is not always easy to hear the words clearly in these musicals but every word was audible here. The singing, the sets, the costumes and the special effects were all wonderful. We both thoroughly enjoyed the production.

When we got into London, near Charing Cross, we came across a Lego shop. It had some great Lego models including this one of Elizabeth Tower.

Satoshi with the goblin in Gringott's Bank (Harry Potter)

A chat with the Bard.

The Shaftesbury Memorial Fountain in Piccadilly Circus, officially and popularly known as Eros. It is surmounted by a winged statue of Anteros.

The interior of the Sondheim Theatre is very grand.

By the time we got home, it was 11:30 pm again so straight to bed!

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