Wednesday, 26th April, 2023

The sun streamed in through the window when I opened the curtains this morning. This I took for a good omen and, indeed, we had a great day.

The view from our room

I liked this picture in "The Railway Inn"

The Railway Inn, Westerfield

After breakfast at McDonald's we met up with a friend from St John's. Marg was most hospitable and we enjoyed the Anzac biscuits she had baked especially for us.

We then went to St Mary's Church in Dedham. The building of the current church commenced in 1492. Like all the other churches we have visited, there was much to see. Now, some people might say, "If you've seen one church, you've seen them all". To me, this as ridiculous remark as saying, "If you seen one person, you've seen them all." Each one has its own personality and style. Each one has different works of art. Although many of the windows depict the same, or similar subjects, each one is different.

The Pulpit and the Lectern

The Nativity

King David

St Paul

John the Baptist baptising Jesus as two angels look on.

The two angels above. The one at the back has very impressive wings!

The Altar

One of the angels above

The next photos are of a window depicting The Beatitudes which Jesus spoke during the Sermon on the Mount. I am amazed at the detail in so many of the stained glass windows.

Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called Children of God.

Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth.

Blessed are the poor in spirit for their's is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they who mourn for they will be comforted.

Our final visit for the day was Chelmsford Cathedral. We found that they have Choral Evensong on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Today was Wednesday! Bother! We enjoyed our time in the cathedral despite the fact that people were setting up for some sort of wine tasting event.

Chelmsford Cathedral

A view from the west end

The Nave Organ

"Christ in Glory" by Peter Eugene Ball is located above the chancel arch.

The Nave Ceiling

The Good Samaritan

Details of the above

The Bishop's Throne

The Chancel Organ

The console of the Chancel Organ

The Baptism of Jesus

Christ entering Jerusalem

St Cedd

St Alban

The Cathedral Banner is the result of 850 hours' work.

Part of a memorial. Again, the detail in this artwork is incredible.

The Tree of Life

The 16th century monument to Thomas Mildway and his family.

You can see all his "pledges" on the monument!

"Mother and Child" by Peter Eugene Ball

St Cedd

St Peter

Sts Nicholas, Michael and George

The Cathedral garden had several flower beds like this one.

I though these tulips were a little out of the ordinary.

The smallest magnolia i have ever seen!

This statue of St Peter was created by Huxley Jones. Notice his Yale key!

After leaving the cathedral, we drove to our accommodation, "The Compasses" at Littley Green, near Chelmsford. It's a very pleasant place to stay and dinner was available on site.

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