Monday, 24th April, 2023

We left Newark this morning, heading towards Norwich. After breakfast at McDonald's (tasty and cheap!) Satoshi wanted to detour a little to go to Sandringman House. This is a large country estate which Queen Victoria bought for the future Edward VII and his soon-to-be wife, Princess Alexandra of Denmark. It cost £23 each to get in. After gaining entry, there is a 10 minute walk to get to the house. The pathway winds through the gardens and there were many opportunities for photos. Sadly, we were not permitted to take photos inside the house. We saw eight rooms including the saloon, the dining room, the music room, the drawing room and the ballroom. In the ballroom, there was an exhibition of water colour paintings by Charles III. He's not a bad artist!

After the house and garden, we visited St Mary Magdalene Church which is located next to the house. There has been a tradition for the Royal Family to worship there on Christmas Day. There are many memorials to various royals and some lovely furniture and other items in the building.

Satoshi at the Lych Gate.

The statue above the door

The Pulpit is made of oak and solid silver. It was given to Queen Alexandra on her 80th birthday (1924).

The Sanctuary

Detail of the ceiling

The Processional Cross

One of the angels holding up the roof (angels often have this task in churches).

A carving on the end of a choir stall

The hymn "Eternal Father Strong to Save" is depicted in this window and the text is included at the bottom. It is one of the most popular hymns in the UK.

Detail of the above window

A memorial of Queen Victoria

There's St George again!

Soon after we left Sandringham, we spotted this little ruined church. As it was only a few hundred metres from the main road, we went to investigate it.

A local lady was walking her dog along the road to the church, so I asked her if she knew anything about the ruin. The unhelpful answer was "It's a church." I tried a second question in an attempt to get a little more information. "I think it's St Margaret's" was the answer. Satoshi was playing "Pokémon Go". This is sometimes more useful than one may think. On this occasion, it was able to furnish the name of the church: St Mary the Virgin, Appleton. Armed with this information we quickly found that the church has been a ruin since the 17th century.

The main focus for today was a visit to Norwich Cathedral. This is a very large church which has the second-tallest spire in England (losing to Salisbury) and also the 2nd largest cloister, losing to... Salisbury! Building began in 1096 and was completed by 1145. It is filled with items of interest and artworks. I hope you will find something to marvel at in the photos below.

I took this photo as we walked from a carpark to the Cathedral.

The Cathedral viewed from the Erpingham Gate.

The cloisters

I was not the only visitor to the Cloisters

Another view of the cloisters.

The Nave Altar

The Quire from the Presbytery

The Lectern

A detail of the Lectern

Another detail of the Lectern

Looking up into the tower

The Pulpit

A detail of the above

The Bishop's Throne

The presbytery and the sanctuary

The altar. Note the paving in front of it.

The organ from the Quire

Wall paintings from the 12th Century

Two items from the Cathedral's treasury. The skill involved in making these is amazing.

This painting is in the treasury.

A window depicting St Paul

One of the chapels

St Edward and Julian of Norwich

Detail of the above window

The Font in the Nave

Part of the fan vaulting on the ceiling. Each of the bosses is different. Norwich Cathedral has the largest number of painted carved stone bosses in the world; an extensive and varied collection of over one thousand individual pieces.

The Noah's Ark boss

The Cathedral Clock

Some medieval glass



Detail of above

This wooden altar piece was painted about 1380.

A font in one of the chapels.

The Presentation of Christ in the Temple by John Opie in 1791

St Katherine

St Michael subduing the Devil

St Andrew (with his diagonal cross, St George and St Patrick

Looking through the Quire screen from the Nave

Choral Evensong began at 5:30pm. The choir consisted of 18 boys and 12 men and women. The music included the Smith of Durham responses, the canticles by Wood in D and the anthem "Give Us the Wings of Faith" by Ernest Bullock. The music was of a wonderful standard.

Following Evensong, we found our accommodation (The Red Lion in Eaton), settled in, and enjoyed dinner.

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