Saturday, 22nd April, 2023

Just how many photos can two people take in a day? At least 579! Although I have selected only about 1 in 5, there are probably too many photos here... but you don't have to look at them all!

The weather was a bit drizzly as we drove to a different Toby Carvery for their "all you can eat" breakfast deal for £6.49. It included toast, fried eggs. baked beans, mushrooms, black pudding, hash browns, bacon, Yorkshire pudding, tomato and pancakes. It was £2.49 extra for tea/coffee so we went for that too.

Well-fuelled for the day's activities, we headed off to Bradford Cathedral. Most of the current building dates from the 15th century. The tower was added in the early 16th century. The church became a cathedral in 1919 and there were extensions during the 1950s and 60s. When we emerged, the rain had stopped and it was fine for the rest of the day.

The older part of Bradford Cathedral is on the right of the tower.

The cathedral viewed from the west end.

The Font

The 16th century font canopy.

St Michael and St Cuthbert (holding the head of poor St Oswald)

Saints Columba and Aidan

This window, by William Morris, depicts St Mark.

The "cathedra" is what makes a church a cathedral. It is the chair (or throne) on which the bishop of the diocese sits.

The pelican at the top of the cathedra. In medieval Europe, the pelican was thought to be particularly attentive to her young, to the point of providing her own blood by wounding her own breast when no other food was available. As a result, the pelican became a symbol of the Passion of Jesus and of the Eucharist since about the 12th century.

The Lectern

The Quire

One of the angels holding up the roof. (Nice lipstick!)

"I am he that liveth and was dead." (Revelation 1:18)

Raindrops adorned these tulips in the cathedral garden.

Next, we returned to Leeds (about a 30 minute drive) in order to visit Leeds Minster (formally Leeds Parish Church). This church was completed in 1841 so is just a baby when compared with any other churches we have visited. I have many recordings of the choir and one of my favourite composers of church music (Samuel Sebastian Wesley) was organist there from 1842-1849.

Looking from the west end.

The Quire

Part of the floor in the Sanctuary.

Daffodils on one of the kneelers.

The Sanctuary

A view from the Sancuary looking towards the West Window

The Leeds Cross is made up of fragments found in the fabric of the church which was demolished to make way for the curent structure. It is believed to be from the 10th century.

Mary with Joseph and the Baby Jesus

I found this carving (part of a memorial) to be quite striking. It amazes me how someone could create something like this from a piece of stone!

A detail from the monument above

Looking up, into the tower

Jesus tells the woman of Samaria,"I will give thee living water."

Jesus heals a blind man with the words "Receive thy sight."

"Ye must be born again," said Jesus to Nicodemus (John 3:5-7)

The Organ

The memorial to Samuel Sebastian Wesley. "In memory of Samuel Sebastian Wesley, Organist of the church from 1842-1849. During which time he composed the Morning and Evening Service in the key of E Major."

The Lectern

The above six windows depict some of the "Beatitudes" which were part of the Sermon on the Mount.

There are many trees in blossom. This one was in the cathedral grounds.

From the Minster, we drove to Temple Newsam, only a few minutes away. This is a Tudor-Jacobean house with grounds landscaped by Capability Brown. A rare breeds farm known as Home Farm is located within some of the outbuildings which date back to the 17th century.

We began our visit with lunch before exploring Home Farm

The park surrounding the house is huge!

A Gloucester Old Spot Pig

A young Tamworth Pig

A British Saddleback Pig

Bagot Goats

Manx Loaghtan Sheep

Boreray Sheep

A Golden Guernsey Goat

A Vaynoi Cow

A Kerry Hill Sheep

This is a dovecote. There was room for many doves, each pair with their own little bedroom!

This is not the world's best model of a dove, but you get the idea!

I am struggling to find words which adequately describe our tour of the house at Temple Newsam. Descriptors such as beautiful, amazing, incredible, awe-inspiring just don't do it justice. When we got inside, I asked the guide how many rooms we would be seeing (knowing that we only had just over an hour before closing time). When he answered "40", I thought he was joking. He wasn't! There was room after room, full of amazing furniture and art. One could easily spend 20 or 30 minutes in each room! Below are only a few of the photos we took. I hope you enjoy them!

The inscription above the house is probably the longest external inscription of any house in Britain. The letters were originally stone (1628) but were replaced with the current metal ones in 1788. The words are: ALL GLORY AND PRAISE BE GIVEN TO GOD THE FATHER THE SON AND HOLY GHOST ON HIGH

The Great Hall

The Dining Room

Paintings on the walls of the staircase

The Prince's Room

The South Bedroom

The State Bedroom

The Bretton Room

This is Earl Grey's writing desk. He was Prime minister of England and there are some theories that link him with the tea known as "Earl Grey"

This is a wine cooler! Satoshi is indicating the size of it!

"What do you mean it's not used any more? I've been waiting ages!!"

There was magnificent furniture in almost every room.

A detail from above

Henry VIII slept in this bed (once). He beheaded the owner of the house, Lord Darcy, and took the house. Henry VIII gave Temple Newsam House to his niece, Margaret, as a wedding present when she mrried Matthew of Lennox.

Detail of the bed above

The Picture Gallery

The three photos above show details of the fireplace in the photo above them.

Detail of the wall paper

The State Bedroom

Detail from the photo above

Detail of the wall paper in The Grey Room

The two photos above show details of the tankard above them.

I'm glad I don't have to clean all this silver!

Detail of the above - what amazing workmanship!

The organ in The Georgian Library (which used to be the chapel)

Sadly, 5:00pm came and we had to leave Temple Newsam House. The park around the house, however, is open 24 hours a day so we explored some of what was on offer.

We thoroughly enjoyed our time at Temple Newsam. After dining at McDonald's we returned home for the nightly ritual of journal writing.

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