Friday, 21st April, 2023

We broke our record for the number of photos taken in a day today - 434!. As usual, it was very tricky deciding which photos to include here. I got it down to about 90!

Oue accommodation at the George Carvery was well-appointed and comfortable. The only exception to this was the shower. It took a full ten minutes after turning on the tap for the water to get hot. Even then it was just a trickle. The old saying about someone very thin that they "had to run around in the shower to get wet" was true even for me in this shower!!

We went into Ripon for breakfast. We chose a Greggs. This is a chain we have used before. They are somewhat like Subway. We both chose a  bacon and omelette "baguette". The bread is just like the pre-dinner rolls one can buy at Woolworths which go in the oven for ten minutes to heat them up. I also enjoyed one of the freshest jam doughnuts I have had in quite a while. Satoshi went next door to CaffĂ© Nero to get a cappuccino and then moved the car. I went straight to Ripon Cathedral.

The number of arches on a doorway indicates the importance of the door. The West Door to Ripon Catheral is clearly VERY important!

The view from just inside the West Door towards the Quire

The Pulpit dates from 1913. Apparently it was quite controversial when it was installed. The sounding board (above the pulpit) was replaced in the 1950s. It predecessor is reputed to have been a table from the Deanery!

The organ is located above the Quire Screen.

Poor Henry II has spent hundreds of years needing to go to the toilet!

Another fine Lectern

The Quire

These carvings under the misericords are from the 15th century. Each one is different. There are 34 but I have only included my favourites here!

A mermaid! Note her long hair, mirror and brush. Mermaids represent the sins of pride, vanity and temptation.

A pig playing the bagpipes while others dance. Dancing pigs represent lust and gluttony.

Jonah about to be eaten by a big fish. This story symbolises the entombment of Christ.

The spies returning from Canaan with grapes, the fruit of the promised land. Lewis Carroll's father was a Canon of the Cathedral. It is said that some of these carvings gave him the inspiration for "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland".

Detail of the above

The organ from the Quire. If you look closely, you might be able to find...

This wooden hand was installed in 1695 and allowed the organist, at that time seated directly above and with his back to the choir, to beat time. It still works but is redundant as the organist can now watch the conductor via CCTV monitor.

Windows depicting the apostles James and John

These appear to be billiard cues but are, in fact, staff used by Ripon Councillors during civic parades. You can see them in use at the right of the photo below.

Satoshi is touching one of the organ pipes. They are too large to fit with the rest of the pipes!

Initially, I thought this window depicted an act of violence but it is Ruth entreating Naomi not to leave her. (Ruth 1:16)

This section of a window depicts Joshua, St Michael and King David.

This is the crypt of the cathedral. It dates to 672. It is thought to be the oldest part of any cathedral in England.

This little carving (located in the crypt - behind the cross in the photo above) depicts the risen Jesus stepping on to a soldier. It is from the 14th century and is precious because it was hidden from destruction at the Reformation.

This window, depicting St Wilfrid dates from 1977. He was appointed Abott at the monastery at Ripon.

Faith, Hope and Charity (1 Corinthians 13: 13)

This seat is in a little park just outside the cathedral. It seems quite ordinary but...'s a bit special really!

Our next visit today was to Bolton Abbey. This is about an hour's drive from Ripon. The Nave of the abbey was saved at the dissolution of the monasteries because it became the Parish Church. We had lunch at the "Tea on the Green" café. I had potato and leek soup followed by a slice of Victoria Sponge, Satoshi had a coronation chicken sandwich.

The nave is on the left and is still used as the Parish Church. The remainder is in ruins.

Looking east from the crossing

Inside the Parish Church. The wall at the end divides the nave of the Abbey Church from the ruins of the remainder of the building.

This windw depicts St Cuthbert. A gift from a nineteenth century steward of the Duke of Devonshire, it shows Cuthbert as Bishop of Lindisfarne, cradling in his arms the severed head of his fellow saint, Oswald, a Christian King whose skull is indeed believed to lie with Cuthbert's bones in Durham Cathedral.

This section of a window depicts the body of Jesus being taken down from the cross. See photo below for information about the windows.

This is a section from one of six windows
designed by Pugin, a great 19th century architect and artist, and installed in 1853.
It depicts the Ascension of Jesus - note his two feet above the heads of the disciples!

This section of window shows the Holy Spirit coming down in the form of a dove at Pentecost. (Acts 2:1-13)

It is thought that his small section of a 14th century window survived the dissolution of the abbey because it represents royalty rather than a story from the Bible.

I took this photo because I liked this tree!

Our last visitation today was to Kirkstall Abbey, near Leeds. It is one of he best preserved examples of a medieval Cistercian monastery in England. It was founded in 1152.

The Cloister

The Abbey Church looking towards the East Window

The Abbey Church looking towards the West.

The Chapter House

Inside the Chapter House, looking toward the entrance

These steps led to the Abbott's House.

Fireplces on different floors.

This is the hearth of a fireplace.

This magpie calls the Abbey home.

Another inhabitant of the Abbey

This is the Abbey Museum. It was once the gatehouse of the Abbey.

A room in the Abbey Gatehouse.

Of course I thought of the door knocker in "A Christmas Carol" when I saw this one!

The museum included a recreation of a Victorian streetscape in Leeds. There were many shops, some of which could be entered. A lot of work had gone into the presentation of the shops and home both internally and externally.

This is a machine in which a penny is placed in order to find the answer to the question. The characters move around to show the answer.

Another section of the museum exhibited children's toys from Victorian times to the present.

We had to leave the museum at 5:00pm because it was closing time. We made our way to our accommodation which was not very far away (an AirBnB this time). Once checked in, we drove to Toby Carvery where we enjoyed another tasty roast.

On our return, we made good use of the clothes washing machine before settling down to journal writing and then bed. The weather today was not as good as it has been lately. It was cold and it felt like it was going to rain. Fortunately for us, it rained while we were driving to Bolton Abbey, then stopped just before we got there! We were just as lucky at Kirkstall.

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