Monday, 3rd April, 2023

We had a very satisfactory buffet breakfast at Moxy Hotel before going into battle once more with the car rental company. Still no joy there so booked into current hotel for tonight. It seems that we are just going to have to just wait until the funds are cleared by the bank. All parties involved are blaming each other. Not fun!

After travelling into the Hounslow High St to get sim cards for our phones, we had a break at Caffe Nero. We then decided we would go into London. This involved a bus and a train ride which took about an hour. Once in London, we walked around near Westminster Abbey. It was warm and VERY sunny!

As you may know, this is known by many people as "Big Ben". Technically, "Big Ben" is the bell that strikes the hours. The correct name for the tower as a whole is the "Elizabeth Tower". This tower is part of the Houses of Parliament.

Elizabeth Tower has been restored and looked quite resplendent in the Spring sunshine.

The Victoria Tower, also part of the Houses of Parliament.

This building houses some government offices.

Satoshi with the River Thames and the London Eye in the background.

The Royal Air Force Memorial next to The River Thames.

The eagle atop the Royal Air Force Memorial shone in the sun.

Horse Guards

A guard at Horse Guards (and Satoshi).

Part of a garden bed at St James' Park

St James' Park

This Weeping Willow looked wonderful with its spring foliage.

Some daffodils in St James' Park.

The Abbey, just before 6:00pm Evensong

We attended Evensong at the Abbey at 5:00pm. I was amazed by the large crowd, possibly 300 people, who joined us there. I was also pleasantly surprised by the excellent behaviour displayed. Everyone was very quiet and reverential throughout the Service. The music was sung by the Lay Clerks (Men) of the Choir and included the introit "Vexilla regis produent" sung to plainsong, the Preces and Responses and Psalm 25 (plainsong) the Magnificat 2nd toni by Francisco Guerrero (1528 - 1599), the Nunc Dimittis (plainsong) and the anthem "Vere languores nostros" by Tomas Luis de Victoria (1548 - 1611). All of the music was performed at a very high standard.

After Evensong, we had dinner at a restaurant called "Happy" near Picadilly Circus. It won an award for the Best Restaurant in London in 2022. We enjoyed our meals but didn't think they were THAT special!

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