Sunday, 2nd April, 2023

We arrived at Doha Airport just after 3:00am. The fligtht was uneventful and as comfortable as coulde be expected in "cattle" class. The airport has several interesting features as you can see below.

This bear was outside Harrods (yes, the same brand as the famous shop in London).

The aiport included a number of art works.

This sculpture was quite large (as indicated by the presence of Satoshi in the photo.)

These gardens are also a feature of Doha Airport.

We were not the only people who were tired after their flight!

The flight from Doha to Heathrow was also uneventful and quite satisfactory. The food on both flights was excellent and the usual security procedures were completed with a minimum of fuss.

Once we got out of the airport, things changed for the worse. Firstly, we tried to find where in the terminal we should go to get a bus to the company from which we were to hire a car. Asking three different workers at the airport produced three different ideas! A check of the internet showed that there are places at Teminals 1, 2, 3, and 5 but not, of course, Terminal 4, where we were! We decided to get a taxi (which cost over £20!). Things then really deteriorated. The appearance of the car rental establishment was unpromising. Upon presenting the necessary documents, we were told we needed to pay a "deposit" of £1500 for insurance which would be returned if the car was brought back undamaged. We tried to explain that we were already covered by two lots of travel insurance but the man at the counter was having none of that. Reluctantly, I produced a credit card, whereupon I was told,
"Oh, that won't work, it's not embossed" (ie the numbers on the card raised above the surrounding area of the card.) I was becoming quite increduous by this stage, The card was tried and, indeed, didn't work. The man at the counter made the singularly unhelpful suggestion that we could pay £2000 on another of our cards but that we wouldn't get that back. By this stage, I was ready to eat him alive and spit him out! We offered a number of other solutions but none of them was deemed satisfatcory. Eventually, I contacted someone at their head office who was much more helpful. We tried one of my debit cards but my bank declined the transaction. We tried to pay online but then got a message from the bank that this was a suspicious transaction and that they would send a passcode to my phone. Of course, that didn't work since we were no longer in Australia. Not surprisingly, neither the broker we booked the car through or my bank in Australia was open on Sunday afternoon/night. Having wasted a whole two hours, we had no choice but to leave. We couldn't get to Portsmouth so we had to stay nearby at the Moxy Hotel. (Of course, that cost an additional £99 and we won't get a refund from Portsmouth (fair enough).

We now have to wait up until 11:00pm when BankFirst, in Australia, opens their call centre at 8:00am. Hopefully, we can get the problem sorted and get back to Easirent Car Rentals by 12:30am (yes, AM!) when they close. Another customer helped us out of the door with all our luggage and commented that his sister had looked at the reviews for the company on Trip Advisor. Out of 136 reviews, no less than 120 rated the company as "terrible". If only I had thought to look there before making the booking! I will report further on this issue as time progresses.

We both had lasagne for dinner at the hotel. Although Satoshi thought he saw them heating it from a frozen packet (!), it was quite tasty.


Having stayed up until 11:00pm, we have still not been able to speak to the bank. A pending transaction did appear on the credit card so we went back to Easirent. The woman on the counter claimed she had no record of it on their side of things. Off to bed now!

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